Frequently Asked Questions
Who can participate in the Lahore International Book Fair?
Any publisher or bookseller in Pakistan or out of Pakistan can participate in the LIBF by fulfilling its terms and conditions. These are set out on the website.
How a foreign publisher can set up and manage its own stall?
Under current Pakistani laws, books can be imported into the country only by a company legally registered for import with the relevant trade authority. Similarly, books can be sold only by companies legally registered with the Income Tax authorities. Therefore foreign publishers can book stalls and sell their books at Book Fairs only through their legally constituted and registered Pakistani agents or distributors. If they wish their stall to be named after their company, they must pay US$950.00 per stall plus bank clearing charges. But if they want their stall to be named after their Pakistani agent or distributor, they must pay Pak Rs 95,000.00. Under the local rules of the Expo Centre, the venue of the LIBF every year, all local or foreign stalls must be managed by Pakistanis and not foreigners.
How one can book and pay for the stalls?
You can book a stall by downloading the forms from our website, filling them in and sending them to us along with a cheque, bank draft or telegraphic transfer as the case may be. You can also safely and securely pay online with a valid credit card.
What’s the deadline for booking and paying for a stall?
The last date is December 31st of every year. After that late bookings can be entertained only if there is any space available.
Can the LIBF arrange Visa facility for foreign participants?
The LIBF can recommend participants to the various Pakistan embassies abroad. Generally speaking a recommendation from the LIBFT will enable a participant to obtain a visa but this is subject to the applicant fulfilling all the requirements of the Embassy.
How many persons per foreign company can be assisted to obtain a visa?
Generally speaking two persons per company may be recommended for a visa by the LIBFT. But in special circumstances with valid justification, spouses and children of participants can also be recommended. All Visa applications for LIBFT recommendation must be submitted at least three months in advance from date of departure.
Are Visas recommended by LIBFT valid for cities apart from Lahore?
Generally speaking, yes. But for visitors from India, special rules apply which are related to reciprocity by the governments of the two countries. Indian citizens must specify in their visa applications the cities they wish to visit in Pakistan.
Can the LIBFT help arrange hotel accommodation etc?
We can help identify and put you in touch with hotels and motels in Lahore to fit your price range but all bookings, advances etc must be done directly by the participant.
Is the LIBFT related in any way to the Karachi Book Fair?
Both organisations are linked to the Pakistan Publishers and Booksellers Association but work independently.
Can any non-bookselling company participate in the LIBF?
Only companies or individuals involved in the book trade or in education can participate in the LIBF. But the LIBF encourages companies in non-bookselling activity to sponsor the LIBF and promote their products at display stalls in the exhibition hall. In the past, Toyota Motor Co, Mobilink, Unilever, Union Bank, TCS and several others have all sponsored the LIBF.